10 weirdest inventions predicted in sci-fi novels

10 weirdest inventions predicted in sci-fi novels

10 weirdest inventions predicted in sci-fi novels 1. Spray-On Clothing

Spray-on clothing is one of the more popular futurist fantasies. There was the idea that a device will be invented in order to ease the process of manufacturing clothes. A green pulp sprayed on wet could dry into Velvet, according to Abercrombie Station.

10 weirdest inventions predicted in sci-fi novels 2. Chairdogs

In The Tactful Saboteur of Frank Herbert’s you might find the idea of a world with genetically modified dogs that know when you are sad, tired or upset and it does everything you need to get better sooner.

10 weirdest inventions predicted in sci-fi novels 3. Hanky Bush

Thomas A. Easton wrote in his book Sparrowhawk, about a plant which grew napkins instead of leafs.

10 weirdest inventions predicted in sci-fi novels 4. Living Advertising

Some companies agree that making employees look and act as one the company’s mascot is a great method of building up marketing points. Usually, this idea is thought to be performed using psycho-conditioning and plastic surgery.

10 weirdest inventions predicted in sci-fi novels 5. Twist Box

Another great predicted invention which is still in process of taking place is the Twist Box, mentioned in Wetware by Rudy Rucker. Twist Box is designed to intercept sensory inputs and gives the brain a very different idea of what the surrounding looks like, making everything more beautiful, more alive.

10 weirdest inventions predicted in sci-fi novels 6. Empathy Box

The Little Black Box by Phillip K Dick talks about a device that has the power to make you feel like you’re the character playing on the screen, film, movie. It is called the Empathy box and it has to be attached to a television set in order to work its magic.

10 weirdest inventions predicted in sci-fi novels 7. Butcher Plant

Clifford Simak introduced the idea of butcher-plants in his book called Time is the simplest thing. It talks about a plant that grows huge chunks of protein.

10 weirdest inventions predicted in sci-fi novels 8. Vibratory Mass Penetrators

Rock Driver by Harry Harrison introduces us to the Mass Penetrator, a device that sounds dirty and does a hardcore job. Actually, this amazing idea is not sex-related but really rock-related as its main target is to fulfill the capacities of a real rock cutter. With this baby you can walk through rock.

10 weirdest inventions predicted in sci-fi novels 9. Accelerated Schooling Helmets

Cities in flight by James Blish gets rid of the teachers and replaces them with helmets. He thought of a clever idea on how to keep educating the people without having to send them to school and the answer was obviously helmets.

10 weirdest inventions predicted in sci-fi novels 10. Tasps

Induced reactions in the pleasure center of the brain is not the easiest thing to do or to think about, but Larry Niven was the one to do it in his Ringworld novel. Basically he promotes a sort of machine that makes people reach orgasms.



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